The project of creating the Multidisciplinary Journal of AIDS was proposed and began in 2011, with the constitution of the editorial and scientific board, and the elaboration of publication rules. In 2013, the first publication of this journal appeared in digital format and with open access, published by the «Sociedad Española Interdisciplinar del Sida» (SEISIDA; in English, The Spanish Interdisciplinary AIDS Society).
The Multidisciplinary Journal of AIDS is an open-access digital journal that publishes scientific works and intervention projects in Spanish or English, which are carried out with methodological rigor and which contribute to advancing our knowledge from any sphere that is related to HIV and AIDS, in any of their possible scenarios. It also accepts works of a theoretical nature (proposed or previously requested by the Editorial Committee, giving preference to those committed to critical research issues and that discuss controversial proposals concerning HIV and AIDS and their settings. Interdisciplinarity is the essential feature of the Multidisciplinary Journal of AIDS, so the following areas of interest in any of the formats have been defined:
- Clinical and treatment area
- Epidemiological and prevention area
- International cooperation area
- Basic sciences
- Psychosocial and legal setting
1.- Sending manuscripts
1.1- General criteria and publishing policy
Sending a manuscript to the journal implies that it is an original work and has not been published either in printed or in electronic format, nor is it in the process of review to be published by any other means of dissemination. In the event that the manuscript or part of its contents have been previously published by any means of dissemination, in paper or electronic format, this must be communicated to the Editorial Committee of the journal and a copy of the published work must be provided.
Works presented in congresses related to HIV and AIDS settings will not be considered as published. It is assumed that all persons listed as authors have given their consent, and that any person cited as a source of personal communication consents to this citation.
The authors are responsible for obtaining all the necessary permissions to reproduce any material protected by copyright, in which case, they must mention this in the presentation letter and enclose with the manuscript the original letter granting such permission, where the referred chart, figure, or text are precisely specified.
In works that were partially or completely financed by any public or private institution, the main author or authors must specify this fact in the letter of presentation, especially in those cases in which explicit mention of this circumstance is a requirement if the work is published as an article.
When studies performed with human beings are presented for publication, authors must explicitly state that the ethical standards of the Committee of Research or of Clinical Trials corresponding to the Helsinki Declaration have been met (
All manuscripts will undergo anonymous peer review. The authors can suggest up to a maximum of four potential reviewers that they consider suitable to assess their work, clearly indicating their postal address and email address.
In addition, the authors can indicate any person whom, for whatever reasons, they do not wish to be involved in the process of review.
Manuscripts should be written according to the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication of biomedical journals published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) available at
The copyright must be transferred to the Spanish Interdisciplinary Society of AIDS, which reserves all legal reproduction and publication rights of the contents in international databases. This term is implicitly accepted by the authors when sending the manuscript for publication in the journal (DOWNLOAD COPYRIGTH). If an article is accepted for publication, the device on which it was sent will not be returned. Unaccepted works will be returned to the address of the representative of the article.
The Editing Board of the journal is not responsible for the results, statements, opinions, and viewpoints held by the authors in their different forms and intervention modalities in the journal.
The rights of intellectual property: Download Journal & Authors Rigths
Submission of manuscripts to the journal represents the acceptance of all the referred conditions.
1.2.- Submitting an article
Works should be sent through the website of the journal: (Envío de Manuscritos [Manuscript Submission]), using the submission form or by electronic mail to
When submitting an article, you must include: Identifying data, title, authors, work centers, contact data.
Abstract and at least 3 keywords. The abstract is a brief and global synthesis of the contents of the article: the problem, some details of the procedure used, and the most relevant results. The contents of the abstract should be structured according to the four headings of the type of work sent: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion (for scientific articles) and Antecedents and Goals, Description of the Project, Lessons Learned and Next Steps (for articles about intervention projects if this structure was chosen).
A clear, brief, and concise summary of each one of these headings of the article should be prepared. The abstract should contain between 150 and 250 words. Its reception will be immediately acknowledged and its acceptance (or status) will be communicated within the shortest possible interval.
If authors choose to send the manuscript by email, they will include a copy of the full manuscript in electronic format, with the electronic signature of all the authors, expressing their wish for its publication in the journal. When this option is not possible, each undersigned author will send an email stating his or her wish for the publication of the work in the journal.
2.- Letter of presentation
The letter of presentation must indicate the type of article that is sent, accompanied of a brief description of it, and, in the authors’ opinion, its relevance, as well as the full name, postal and electronic address, phone number and institution of the main author or the corresponding author.
In no case will the journal accept redundant publications, and the authors must certify that it is an original work, that is not published or in the process of review in any other journal.
In the event that the work was totally or partially published previously, the authors should communicate this circumstance and this should be accompanied by a copy of what was published.
In addition, and whenever the occasion requires it, in the letter of presentation, the authors should include all those aspects of special importance about publication guidelines, paying special attention to the aspects of authorship, prior publication, permissions of authorization of materials with author copyrights, funding and ethical standards, specified in point 1.1.
3.- Types of manuscripts
3.1.- Editorial
Comments about original articles published in the same number of the journal or about topics that have recently been object of controversy or of significant changes. These will be by request of the Editorial Board. The extension must be less than 1,500 words, with a maximum of 15 citations and 2 authors.
3.2.- Original articles
Original articles are works of quantitative or qualitative research from any aspect of the socio-health field involving the areas of study of the journal. An article must contain the following sections: structured abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and references. The extension of the text should be less than 5,000 words and should contain a maximum of 30 citations and 6 tables or figures.
3.3.- Brief original articles
Works of original research that, due to their goal, design or outcome, can be published in a reduced and more agile format. They will have the same structure as an original article but shorter. The extension must be less than 1,500 words and should include a maximum of 3 tables or figures.
3.4.- Intervention projects
Works that define a social reality that one is attempting to change by means of intervention projects that define the problem, its causes and consequences. The extension of the text should be less than 5,000 words and it should contain a maximum of 30 citations and 6 tables and/or figures.
3.5.- Updates and reviews
Reviews of certain topics that are considered relevant to the infection by HIV or/and AIDS, an update including the current, most relevant references. They are usually written by request of the Editorial Board but reviews sent without such a request will also be considered. Their extension must be less than 5,000 words, with a maximum of 10 tables and 10 figures, 50 citations and 2 authors, and they must be accompanied by an unstructured abstract.
3.6.- Perspectives
Articles that, in the Editorial Board’s opinion or by its express invitation, develop novel aspects, tendencies or criteria, such that they constitute a link between the results of research, health professionals and the scientific society. Usually they are written by request of the Editorial Board but articles sent directly will also be considered. The extension must be less than 5,000 words, with a maximum of 10 tables and 10 figures, 50 citations and 2 authors, and the text must be accompanied by an unstructured abstract.
3.7.- Special articles and articles from research projects of SEISIDA
The Editorial Board may request for this section works of research, training or opinion that it considers of special relevance. Original articles derived from research projects carried out from or coordinated by Seisida will be included in this section. They will be peer-reviewed according to the usual procedure. Authors who wish to collaborate in this section must request this previously from the Editorial Board by sending a brief summary and personal considerations about the contents and the importance of the topic. The extension must be less than 5,000 words, with a maximum of 10 tables and 10 figures, 50 citations and 2 authors, and the text must be accompanied by an unstructured abstract.
3.8.- Letters to the editor
Observations or scientific comments or opinions about works recently published in the journal or that constitute a relevant, up-to-date subject, or a study that is easy to summarize. The extension must be less than 400 words, with a maximum of 1 table or Figure, 10 citations and 4 authors. If the letter refers to an article recently published in the journal, a copy will be sent to its author so he/she can exercise the right to reply if he/she considers it appropriate.
3.9.- Other sections
Normally at the discretion of the Editorial Board, the most important communications can be included, or even a special number about the activity of the National Congress of HIV/AIDS organized by Seisida. Consensus conferences about prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and legal or social aspects that are organized by official health agencies, non-governmental organizations or scientific societies will also be appraised.
3.10.- Articles of social interest
Innovate and learn
This section of the journal aims to familiarize people with HIV in particular and society in general with the knowledge of innovative projects carried out by different professionals, associations or organizations working in the field of HIV, in the broadest sense, for its prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment, and including psycho-social, legal, and other aspects that are ultimately a part of the accompaniment from a holistic view of people with HIV.
The way to send articles to this section will follow the general rule of manuscript submission, as specified in the Journal regulations.
The articles can be written in Spanish or English.
Evaluation and editing of the articles prior to their publication will be carried out by the Editorial Committee of the Journal with the support of the editing team.
The aim of this section is to disseminate works which, although not conducted with a methodology of scientific research, present experiences or projects that make their publication interesting, either due to their innovative nature or to some other aspect deemed by the Editorial Committee.
Topics that may be included in this section:
- Programmes and activities developed by entities working in the associative world, aimed both at supporting people living with HIV and prevention.
- Programmes and activities developed by professionals of any field, workshops, courses, etc. that imply a novelty or an improvement of any dimension related to HIV.
- Others: presentation of associations, aspects related to their management, etc.
Structure of the articles:
They will be divided into three sections (with exceptions that so require it and that must be approved by the Editorial Committee):
- Goals
- Description
- Conclusions / Lessons learned (this section includes intervention proposals or improvements areas)
- Bibliographic references
Display mode:
The articles should be sent in Microsoft Word format or compatible. Maximum length of 5 pages including references, according to Vancouver standards. They can include images, figures, tables, or videos. There
4.- Structure of the manuscript
The article will be structured in the following sections: title page, abstract and keywords, abstract in English and Spanish (independently of whether the manuscript is in English or Spanish), text, references, tables, table footnotes, figures, figure footnotes, annexes, acknowledgments and special mentions (where appropriate).
4.1.- Title page
On the title page, the following data are presented in the established order:
– Title of the article, if possible, should not exceed 10 words, and in no case should it be exceed 15 words. It should describe the contents of the article clearly and concisely, avoiding acronyms and abbreviations that are not commonly used.
– Full names and surnames of all the authors, including the main author or corresponding author, signatory of the letter of presentation. The name of the authors should follow the format preferred by each author for recovery from the national and international bibliographic databases. The names of the authors would be separated by commas, up to a maximum of six authors. When the number of authors exceeds the specified number, the rest of authors, as of the sixth author, will appear in an annex at the end of the text. Authorship should conform to the Vancouver standards.
– The name of each author must be accompanied by an Arabic number, in superscript, which relates it to the institution or institutions to which the author belongs.
– If an explicit reference to any funding institution must be included in the publication, it should appear on this page.
4.2.- Abstract
Each article of original research and reviews must have an abstract, in English and in Spanish, structured in the sections of introduction, objectives, material and method, results and discussion (or conclusions if appropriate). It will not contain bibliographic citations and should be sufficiently explanatory of the contents of the article. It should not contain information or conclusions that are not mentioned in the text, nor will it refer to such information. It should be taken into account that the abstract is the only part of the article that is included in the bibliographic databases and it allows readers to decide about its interest. It should have a maximum extension of 150-250 words and on the same page, separate from the abstract, are included 3 to 5 keywords. To define the keywords, we recommend using descriptors used in international thesauri, Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) (
In order to include the articles in the bibliographic databases that so require it, the authors who submit their articles written in Spanish must send the abstract and keywords translated into English, and vice versa: in the case of manuscripts sent in English, the authors must include an abstract in Spanish (Castilian), in both cases, always beginning a new page.
4.3.- Text
The manuscripts must be written in Spanish (Castilian) or English and in Microsoft Word format or compatible.
The works of a scientific nature must contain the following sections in the main text:
- Introduction. It should be as brief as possible, it should not be a review of the topic or a discussion. In the last paragraph, the goals of the study should be clearly explained.
- Material and methods: If possible, it should contain the sections of: design, population and setting of study, period of study, inclusion and exclusion criteria, calculation of sample size and sampling, target instruments and variables, procedures, definitions, statistical analysis and ethical considerations. If the methods and procedures are very frequently used and well-known, the authors should provide their reference and avoid a detailed description of them. The description of this section should contain enough details to allow other researchers to replicate the investigation.
- Results: They should be simply described, without interpreting them. A logical order should be followed, avoiding repetition of the information already contained in the tables and figures, just highlighting the most relevant results.
- Discussion and Conclusions: They must be clear, with a discussion of the most relevant aspects of the study and the conclusions derived from it. If possible, do no repeat the results, only those that are necessary to compare with other authors’ works. The limitations of the study must be included.
- Acknowledgments: When deemed necessary, the centers or people who have collaborated or supported the investigation will be cited. If the study was funded, it should be included in this section.
- References (according to order of appearance in the text with correlative superscript numbering, arranged according to Vancouver standards.
In the case of intervention projects, the previous structure can be substituted by another that contains the following sections:
- Antecedents and Objectives. A brief analysis of the social reality that one proposes to change, defining the problem, its possible causes and consequences. The goals of the project will also be presented.
- Description of the project. A description of the project is made, with the activities, the methodology used and the process followed for its assessment.
- Lessons learned: This refers to the concrete, observable, evaluable, and measurable achievements that are the result of the performance of the activities of the project. Next steps. This section is dedicated to presenting the proposals for future intervention emanating from the assessment and conclusions of the project.
- References (according to order of appearance in the text with correlative superscript numbering, arranged according to Vancouver standards.
Works of updating and bibliographic review may require a different adaptation as a function of their contents.
They should cite the strictly necessary bibliographic references, taking into account criteria of relevance or pertinence.
5.- Tables and figures
The contents will be explanatory and complementary, and the data should not be redundant with the data presented in the text. Legends, footnotes of tables and figures should be sufficiently explanatory to be interpreted without the need to consult the text. They will have a title at the top and, if considered necessary, a brief explanation at the foot of table or figure.
They must be presented at the end of the text, including each table or figure on a separate page, or in a separate file, preferably in Power Point, JPEG, GIF or TIFF files.
The tables and the figures will be numbered independently, tables by means of consecutive Roman numbers, and figures by means of Arabic numbers in order of appearance in the text. The maximum number will be 6 tables or figures in the original articles. The figures should not repeat information already contained in the text of the article or in the tables.
They should be designed by the authors just as they wish them to appear in the published article.
If photographs of patients are included, they must be done in such a way that the patients can not be recognizable.
6.- Abbreviations
If abbreviations are used, the full name replaced by the abbreviation must always precede its use the first time the abbreviation is used in the text, except for standard units of measure.
When units of measure are used, preferably, the abbreviations corresponding to the International System of Units will be used.
Whenever possible, a list of abbreviations present in the text of the work will be included.
7.- Bibliographic references
The bibliographic citations will be numbered consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text. They must be identified both in the text and in the tables, using Arabic numbers.
The “Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication in biomedical journals” will be followed. Updates are available at: The complete rules about how to write any kind of bibliographic citation can be found in its original version in English [updated on June 15, 2005, by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). National Library of Medicine of the USA. (NLM)] at:
The names of the journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the Medicus/Medline Index: ‘‘List of Journals Indexed’’ which is included every year in the January number of the Medicus Index, also available at: If possible, avoid the inclusion of textbooks and meeting minutes as bibliographical references.
References to texts that have not been published and are not outstanding publication (personal communications, manuscripts or any other unpublished data or text) can be included in parentheses in the text of the article, but not in the bibliographic references.
The references should always be checked for comparison with the original documents, always indicating the initial and final pages of the citation.
Article from a standard journal with less than 6 authors
Pedreira Crespo V, Sánchez Pardo L, Carrera Machado I. Normalización de la atención sanitaria al drogodependiente. Trastornos Adictivos. 2011;13:129-34.
Article from a standard journal with more than 6 authors
Fernández-Calderón F, Lozano-Rojas OM, Bilbao-Acedos I, Rojas-Tejada AJ, Vidal-Giné C, Vergara-Moragues E, et al. Análisis de las diferencias en el perfil y patrón de consumo de drogas de hombres y mujeres que asisten a fiestas rave. Trastornos Adictivos. 2011;13:167-74.
In-press article (not yet published) («Epub ahead of print”)
Barrow DL, Tindall GT. Visual loss following transesphenoidal surgery. Neurosurgery. Doi.
The author is an organization
Panel de expertos de Gesida y Plan Nacional sobre el Sida. [Consensus document of Gesida and Spanish Secretariat for the National Plan on AIDS (SPNS) regarding combined antiretroviral treatment in adults infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (January 2012)]. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2012;30(6):e1-89
Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents. Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents. Department of Health and Human Services. [Consulta 22 mayo 2013]. Disponible en:
Both author and organization are authors
Vallancien G, Emberton M, Harving N, Van Moorselaar RJ; Alf-One Study Group. Sexual dysfunction in 1274 European men suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms. J Urol. 2003;169:2257-61.
Supplement of a number
Glauser TA. Integrating clinical data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002;58(12 Suppl 7):S6-12.
Part of a volume
Abend SM, Kulish N. The psychoanalytic method from an epistemological viewpoint. Int J Psychoanal. 2002;83(Pt 2):491-5.
Part of a number
Ahrar K, Madoff DC, Gupta S, Wallace MJ, Price RE, Wright KC. Development of a large animal model for lung tumors. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2002;13(9 Pt 1):923-8.
Authors as editors
Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002.
Personal author(s) (not editors)
Monti PM, Kadden RM, Rohsenow DJ, Cooney NL, Abrams DB. Treating Alcohol Dependence. A coping skills training guide, 2nd ed. Londres: Guilford Press; 1989.
Authors and different editors
Singer M, Dai H, Weeks M, Malave D. AIDS risk perception among women drug users in Hartford, CT. En: Stevens S, Tortu S, Coyle S, editors. Women, drug use, and HIV infection. New York: Haworth Medical Press; 1989.
Organization as author
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Resources and Services Administration, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Administration, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. HIV prevention bulletin: Medical advice for persons who inject illicit drugs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1997.
Book chapter
Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. En: Voglestein B, Kinzler KW,editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.
Proceedings of meetings
Vivian VL, editor. Child abuse and neglect: a medical community response. Actas de First AMA National Conference on Child abuse and neglect; 1984, marzo 30-31; Chicago, American Medical Association, 1985.
Pérez Romero N. Relevancia de la preservación fúndica en los niveles Ghrelina y su influencia en la pérdida de índice de masa corporal en obesidad mórbida [tesis]. Barcelona: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona: 2011
Documents in electronic format
The Editorial Board recommends that the electronic references should be of peer-reviewed electronic publications or of recognized scientific relevance and seriousness.
Standard article in electronic format
Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis. [revista electrónica] 1995;1 [Consulta 5 mayo 2013]: Disponible en:
Online journal article
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction [Internet]. Statistical Bulletin. 2009. [consultado 30 abril 2013]. Disponible en:
Monographs in Internet
Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [monografía en Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [citado 9 julio 2002]. Disponible en:
Website (page)
Seisida. Revista Multidisciplinar del Sida. Madrid: Seisida. [Consulta 24 mayo 2013].
Disponible en:
Other published materials
Summary of Conference proceedings
Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editores. Germ cell tumoursV. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour Conference; 13-15 septiembre 2001; Leeds, UK. Nueva York: Springer; 2002
8.- Annexes
This corresponds with all the extra material deemed necessary to submit to improve comprehension of the work (surveys, analytical results, tables of values, etc.).
9.- Acknowledgments, collaborations and special mentions
In this section, mention is made of all the people, organizations, institutions or companies that have significantly contributed with their material or economic support or aid to accomplish the article, and when appropriate, the project number assigned.
All physical or legal persons mentioned in this section must know about and agree to that mention, and the authors are responsible for dealing with this procedure.
10.- Authorizations
If part of the material provided by the authors is subject to copyright or requires authorization prior to its publication, the authors must provide the corresponding original authorizations with the manuscript and communicate this in the letter of presentation. The authors are responsible for the strict compliance with this requirement.